Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thinking Green

A New York Times article that came out today highlights Houston as the worst recycler in the nation. Only a mere 2.6% of their wasted is recycled. Seeing this, I had to read on, as I am under the impression that as far as big cities go, San Francisco has got to be the best recycling city out there. At least of the big ones. (Let's be honest, Berkeley's totally got them beat.) It turns out that I was right, but I was surprised to learn that SF recycles 69% of its waste. New York City recycles a respectable 34% of its waste.

As a side note: the article features a quote from a man named "Tex" who lives in Texas. Awesome!

I've really been amazed at how environmentally conscious everyone is. I always knew California was like that, I just didn't know the extent. I think I've written about this before, so I'll save the speech. I don't know how or if it will change my habits when I go back home. I'll certainly be diligent about recycling as I have been since I resolved to do so at the beginning of the new year, but perhaps there's another lesson I could take out of living in the land of the hippie. I'll have to think more about it.


In other news, I'm heading to Vegas this weekend for a last hurrah before leaving this side of the country. Should be a fabulous time, even if the high on Saturday is 108. Whoa. 108.

The following weekend, I am heading back across the country. I'm taking the northern route this time which I'm sure I'll detail at a later point. It involves the followings states though: California, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, NORTH CAROLINA! I'm doing the whole thing solo at a pace of around 10 hours a day. I think it's do-able. Of course it is.

1 comment:

BrooksRainey said...

If you want to start composting, to save any biodegradable trash from the landfill, then you can just get a tupperware container and come dump it at our house when it's full. If you keep it in the freezer it doesn't smell. Liz = super-hippie-earthmama.