Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Thinking Green
As a side note: the article features a quote from a man named "Tex" who lives in Texas. Awesome!
I've really been amazed at how environmentally conscious everyone is. I always knew California was like that, I just didn't know the extent. I think I've written about this before, so I'll save the speech. I don't know how or if it will change my habits when I go back home. I'll certainly be diligent about recycling as I have been since I resolved to do so at the beginning of the new year, but perhaps there's another lesson I could take out of living in the land of the hippie. I'll have to think more about it.
In other news, I'm heading to Vegas this weekend for a last hurrah before leaving this side of the country. Should be a fabulous time, even if the high on Saturday is 108. Whoa. 108.
The following weekend, I am heading back across the country. I'm taking the northern route this time which I'm sure I'll detail at a later point. It involves the followings states though: California, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, NORTH CAROLINA! I'm doing the whole thing solo at a pace of around 10 hours a day. I think it's do-able. Of course it is.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Pandora for iPhone
Thankfully, some of these things are free. Of course, it's mainly the crappy applications. Except for the Pandora application. It's free (at least right now) and it is going to revolutionize my life. Or at least, it would, except the main place I listen to music on my actual phone is when I'm at the gym on campus and unfortunately my internets are pretty crappy in there sometimes. Full disclosure: I have the "old" phone, not this newfangled 3G that I'm not entirely convinced is that much better...except maybe my internets wouldn't be twice as fast, thereby eliminating the problem.
Let this not be an ad for apple, but rather for Pandora. They've got a good thing going there and I like it. There are very few resources better than Pandora for finding good music, except maybe Brooks. She's good.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Best Websites of the Day - Douche and Riches
Dimitri the Douchebag -- A man from San Francisco with serious ego issues leaves creepy voicemails for a woman he met out. I heard about this guy on the radio on Monday, but thanks go to Rob for sending me the link so I could hear it in its entirety.
Jonathan Lee Riches -- I was trolling Abovethelaw.com today and this guy popped up. He caught my eye because he just filed a lawsuit against Coach K, which I naturally find awesome. Little did I know, his lawsuit against Coach K is NOTHING compared to his other lawsuits.
Some background: Mr. Riches is a federal inmate in South Carolina who is incarcerated due to identity theft. If you ask me, he should have pled insanity because I really do think that he believes this shit. Or maybe he doesn't. It could be a desperate cry for attention. No, he's insane. No one would cry out for attention/publicity in this manner who wasn't insane. Unfortunately there are hundreds for which the complaint is absent or unknown. He's not entirely insane, though, because at least he files the suits in many different federal jurisdictions, so has avoided penalties for filing frivolous lawsuits (at least so far)...and trust...they are frivolous.
My favorite suits:
- Riches v. Joel et. al.: Plaintiff alleged that defendant Billy Joel the Singer is his step-father, and sent him to defendant Vision Quest Psychiatric Facility in Franklin, Pennsylvania. Plaintiff alleged that Vision Quest forced him to sleep in teepees with no UFO radar defense system. Plaintiff also alleged that Italian hitmen made him sign an omerta silence oath, Vision Quest made him travel around the country in horse and buggies like the Amish, and "We Didn't Start the Fire" was in the stingrays head when it killed the croc master Steven Irwin.
- Riches v. Jena 6 et al.: Plaintiff sued the Jena 6 for "Loss of My White Rights" and sought $100 million in white gold and the White House. Plaintiff alleged that defendants hung a white noose in his cell at FCI Willaimsburg, told the FCI Williamsburg dentists not to fix his white fillings, fed him tainted White Castle hamburgers, turn his cell mate into Snow White, called him the white Suge Knight, burnt him with Great Whites pyrotechnics, made him suffer whiteouts, gave him white phosphorus, subjected him to low white blood cell counts, and that Vanna White won't write. Defendants also allegedly turned plaintiff into a white collar criminal and sent Whitehouse prosecutors after his white skin.
- Riches v. Beckham et. al: Plaintiff sued defendants David Beckham d/b/a "Soccer Player" and Victoria Beckham d/b/a "Posh Spice" for soccer piracy. Plaintiff alleged that Beckham uses satellite precision guided soccer balls that are remote-controlled by British agent James Bond and Pakistani intelligence. These agents allegedly move the balls into the net after Beckham touches them. This supposedly garners defendant more commercials, a key to any U.S. city, and Iraqi national bank loot, which Beckham kicks back to Buckingham Palace. Plaintiff also alleges that Beckham is an illegal alien that did not have to make a stop at Ellis Island, that Plaintiff suffered lead poisoning from a Mattel soccer ball he received from defendant Beckham, that Posh Spice uses Old Spice, and that Beckham told Frenchman Zidane to head butt him last month.
- Riches v. Guantanamo Bay et. al: Plaintiff alleges that the defendants sold half his brain on eBay, but undervalued it as they only received $4,275 from the highest bidder. Defendants also allegedly stole his identity and used his credit to purchase missiles and gas masks on the international black market. Plaintiff claims that collection agencies keep sending him bills. Judge dismissed the complaint finding that the allegations were baseless, fantastic or delusional.
- Terry Schiavo (twice!)
- E. Coli 0157:H7
- No Child Left Behind Act
- Michaelangelo
- The Statue of Liberty
- (843)387-9400 (i have no idea)
- Hurricane Katrina
- The Uniform Commercial Code
- Benazir Bhutto
- Roe v. Wade
Okay, if I don't call it quits now, I'll spend more hours on this than I already have, and that would not be healthy.
Final Note: Jonathan Lee Riches gets out of the pen in 2012. Anyone want to start a pool on how long it takes for him to get sent back? Or get his own realty show?
The People of Berkeley
My favorite person is the owner of the cafe I go to every morning. About 4 days a week, I walk in 9:12 and he says, "small coffee, seniorita?" Him and his family own the cafe, which is attached to a hotel called The French Hotel. It's a cute little building and there's lots of seating inside and out. I really love it. He knows half the people that come in there and is always smiling. Sometimes I get a free upgrade and he always likes my earrings. Don't get me wrong, the man is old enough to be my father. In fact, I think the other guys that work there are his sons and probably a few years older than I am. They're a great bunch though and like clockwork, I walk out at 9:18 and continue to work.
Another of my favorites, is Mario. He works at the grocery store. He's very jolly and when he checks my ID, he always puts out his hand and says, "nice to meet you, Elizabeth." And we shake hands and then chit chat while he scans my groceries. He never remembers that he's met me before, but I think that's part of the charm of the whole thing.
Then there's the homeless man who only repeats the phrase, "anything you can. anything you can" as his way of asking for change. He also likes to stand sort of near the ATM machines on Shattuck
As far as characters at work, our vice president, who comes in for about an hour a week is a reverend who curses more than any man of God I've ever met. He calls my boss, "the oracle of justice" though, which I think is cute. He's a hilarious guy though and teases my boss (who is in her 80s), so it's fun to watch her get all fired up.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
George W. Bush Sewage Plant
Well, stupid as it may be, it's comical and appropriate. Best of luck!
Monday, July 7, 2008
California, the Constitution, and Cell Phones
Personally, I don't own an earpiece thingy, but my iPhone came with headphones that have a little voice receiver near your mouth on the cord, so that's my handsfree device. Although, as irony would have it, I nearly got into a wreck trying to untangle said handsfree device so that I could use my phone in the future.
But the real intriguing argument being made about this whole scenario involves a little Criminal Procedure. That's right. Tune out now. The NYTimes article actually references this blog post which does a little crimpro analysis of the new law and it's possible ramifications. All hail the Fourth Amendment. The author, a Berkeley Law student, argues that the new law will be a whole new justification for pre-textual searches. It's an interesting argument and I think the author is correct; I just wonder if it will actually be abused. I guess time will tell. I think the moral of the whole article (in case you don't care to get all law school in July) is that you shouldn't hide your phone if you get pulled over. Put it in plain view and that way the cops can't search your entire passenger compartment looking for the phone, and whoops, find a little contraband along the way, getting you more than a fine. So, a lesson for all Californians. If everyone would follow this advice, the whole pre-textual search issue would go away.
If your love of the law isn't quite satiated, I encourage you to read the comments posted below the Berkeley law student's article. I think I can actually imagine some of the people who responded and there's a 85% chance many of them are 3Ls cracked out on crimpro bar prep.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Random Musings on a Random Thursday
So work is going better. I would certainly hope so, now that I’m over halfway done. It got better about two weeks in. I think part of it is adjusting to an office job, which I’ve never had and then there’s being in a new place and away from nearly all my friends. But now that I’ve adjusted, I really love California. It will be weird to go to back to NC. I’m currently in the process of planning my route back. I really want to do it in 5 days, but I want to see some new places, so I just don’t know if that’s going to be possible. Anyway, back to work stuff. My boss is pretty insane. She’s super old and can’t see very well. She’s legally blind, but not completely. So she can get around the office, but uses a machine that projects the words on a page onto a larger screen. It’s taken some getting used to, but it’s really not that big of a deal. What’s worse is that she is so old and forgets things so sometimes she’ll ask me to do the same thing three different times.
Enough with the negative though. The office has been very busy today. There’s only 5 of us that usually work here and several others come in for a few hours a week just to pitch in, but this morning, we had a group of Thai reporters come in to chat w/ the executive director (my boss) and they had a translator, so I listened to a lot of Thai and English. This afternoon, we’ve had several people come by to catch up with my boss and talk about human rights issues. Well, my boss wanted the two of them to get together at some point to talk about some issue and then she walked out to get something from outside. As she was gone, one of the men turned to the other and said. “Well Ann wants us to get together and chat, but let’s celebrate our independence and not deal with this shit right now.” By the way, cursing is rampant here. I’ve heard “goddammit” more times than I can count and a few people have dropped the F bomb. Everything else is just part of the general lingo for the office. We’re a tough group. Grrrr.
Also, I just had a 15 minute long conversation with this guy about BBQ. Apparently he’s been to NC and loves barbeque, so we just yammered on about pulled pork and coleslaw and brisket. He is SUCH a hippie. First of all, he has a ponytail with several different hair ties in it as it gets smaller. Then, he’s wearing khaki colored manpris. He uses the words “sweetheart” and “darling” and says things like, “be well” and “blessings.” And he smelled like patchouli.
Day to day stuff in the office can be pretty humorous, but as far as actual substantive work, I am really enjoying researching public policy issues on everything from Education to Immigration to the War in Iraq. Some of these things I know well, but other policy areas, I’m working from scratch, so it’s more challenging. I’m glad it’s challenging though because if it wasn’t, I’d just be bored.
Weekend plans: hanging out w/ Jon in Mountain View for a couple of days, probably catching San Jose’s fireworks show. We went to the Giants/Cubs game last night and they had fireworks afterwards but there was so much fog (AT&T Park is right on the bay) that it looked more like colored lightening. It was pretty eerie and I liked it, but I think the San Jo fireworks will be better. By the way, I’ve picked up a little NorCal Latin slang. It’s pronounced San Ho. I love it. So yeah, probably just playing it pretty low key and relaxing. I’ll be back up in Berkeley on Saturday and Sunday, maybe I’ll find somewhere to go read or hike or something.
Last weekend I went hiking by myself. It was pretty cool because I’ve never done that before. I just took an Ipod and threw on some tennis shoes and drove out to Tilden Park which is a regional park that’s about 2 miles from me. It’s amazing how I can drive just a few minutes and be out in the middle of nowhere. I’ll post pictures later this weekend. I also did a little shopping in Berkeley and hopefully I can finish that up this weekend. Alright, 25 more minutes left in the work week. Soooo close!
P.S. A while back, I posted about a deer mom and her two babies that I spotted walking up my street in Berkeley. Well last night, a stag crossed the street (IN the crosswalk, I might add) a few houses down from me. The deer come down at midnight.