I saw a tumbleweed today. And also real cowboys. The tumbleweed crossed the interstate in front of me. I couldn’t help but laugh. Then, a bit later, I see an animal running in a field near me. As I got closer I realized there were several of them and they were cows. Why would a cow run?, I thought. Because 2 men on horses made them. Cowboys. Right on. There were also a lot of ranches in both Texas and New Mexico. I suppose that’s not surprising, but as I’ve said before, I’ve seen these places on TV, I know that they exist, but they have just never existed as concretely in my mind as they do now.
Overall it was a fairly boring drive. The last long one by myself though. I hit 2000 miles at some point. Tomorrow I’m driving alone, but only to Breckenridge and then to Denver. So less than 4 hours total. No biggie at this point. I did decide to take the long way and go into New Mexico far enough to see Santa Fe. Thankfully, New Mexico was prettier than Texas,
but not near the Texas border. Santa Fe seemed like a pretty cool town but I just can’t imagine living in quasi-desert conditions. Seems nuts to me. I’m amazed we even have non-admitted immigrants from Mexico because I don’t think I’d be willing to walk across that part of the country. And if I saw it, I’d turn around. But I suppose Mexico is pretty dry too, so maybe New Mexico is actually an improvement. Scary thought.
I stopped for lunch in Santa Fe at this little burger joint. It was pretty good except they forgot to take off the onions. It was actually really chilly there. Very windy all day and probably in the low 60s. And I had thought that would be my hot day. Guess not.
I continued on 25 North until Colorado Springs. Drove through such towns as Las Vegas NM and Pueblo CO. There was one little mountain-y area on my way in, but other than that, pretty flat drive. The best part was that there were these hills covered in dark trees to my right that were too small to be called mountains, but they were huge hills. Well, every now and then I’d catch a glimpse of a craggy peak in the distance with a snow on it. I actually gasped when I first saw it. So incredibly gorgeous. Another part that I thought was funny is that there was a sign for roadwork and it read "Road damage ahead" And then shuffled us across the median to occupy the oppos
ite direction's left lane and scoot along there at a snail's pace. Well, here's the picture of the "road damage." The road wasn't damaged, it just wasn't there!
As I drove into Colorado Springs—a pristine town at the foot of the mountains—I wished that I was going into the mountains already, but a few more hours and I’ll be doing just that. I am staying at a really nice hotel, but I’m convinced they gave me the shitty room because I have an awful view and several things don’t work around here. I found a Thai takeout place in the phonebook and went to get my food from the hole in the wall. Usually those places are pretty good and this one was no exception, but their near complete lack of patrons at 7:30 was worrisome. Nevertheless, my panang chicken curry was pretty damn good. I don’t think you can really eff that up. I’ve never had bad chicken curry from a thai place before unless it is too spicy to eat.
Tomorrow, I’m heading up to Breckenridge to see a friend and eat lunch. Then I’m off to Denver to hang out w/ Cory for a few hours before Jon gets here at 11pm. Plus! I get to drive through the mountains all day!
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